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Formby founder of StemCellScousers says "Thank You" as he continues to raise funds for cha

Formby resident is trying to raise more money for The Anthony Nolan Charity. The StemCellScousers recently teamed up with the staff at ALDI Park Lane NETHERTON Emma, Jude and Neil of “Team Park Lane” when 29 customers signed up online to the Anthony Nolan Stem Cell Register and raised £483 for the Teenage Cancer Trust who have a Patient and Family Support Group based in the Family room of the Teenage and Young Patients ward in the Haematology Department of the Clatterbridge Cancer Centre at the Royal Liverpool Hospital. “ Team Park Lane” have now increased their total Raised so far this year for Teenage Cancer Trust to a fabulous £4208.

"Team Park Lane! along with the StemCellScousers would like to say a massive Thank You to the extremely generous customers for their incredible support who also donated £974.48 in September for the Anthony Nolan Charity.

The Anthony Charity has found numerous Stem Cell Donors in recent years for Blood Cancer Patients who live in the NETHERTON and LITHERLAND area many of whom are customers at Aldi Park Lane. Every 14 minutes someone in the U.K. is told they have Blood Cancer or a related disorder. For about 2000 of these patients every year, the only chance of Survival is a Stem Cell Transplant. Last year Anthony Nolan gave over 1,300 people Worldwide a second chance of life. Anthony Nolan has over 690,000 potential U.K. donors on its register and needs to keep this growing.

The Sefton Central Constituency only has 1163 potential donors on the Anthony Nolan Register, Giving it a ranking of 212th. of the the 650 UK constituencies. Southport Constituency by contrast has 1485 potential donors giving it a ranking of 223. Both MPs Bill Esterson and Damien Moore have pledged to do all they can to improve the figures for Sefton, and both are enthusiastic supporters of the STEMCELLSCOUSERS.

Anthony Nolan has introduced “THE HERO PROJECT” in collaboration with NHS Blood and Transplant. The Hero Project is a nationwide programme run by Anthony Nolan. It’s their mission to educate 16 - 18 year olds about Stem Cell, Blood, and Organ Donation, and show them that they could help save a life. The project works in two ways, Anthony Nolan trained Volunteer presenters will come into your school, at no cost to you, at a time that fits in with your timetable, and deliver presentations to inspire your students to become LIFESAVING Donors. There is also a Q & A session included, the whole presentation takes between 30 and 50 minutes. The second option called “The Little Lifesaver” can be delivered by any member of staff. Anthony Nolan will provide a basic slide set and suggested messages and is designed for a 15 minute slot. There are also links to videos and case studies. If you would like your school to become a Life Saving School and join the Anthony Nolan programme you can email: or visit to find out more.

Research has indicated that younger donors provide the best outcomes for patients. Anthony Nolan focus their resources on recruiting fit and healthy donors between the 16 and 30 age group who stay on the register until they are 60. The StemCellScousers are appealing to people who fit the criteria to register online at it only takes two minutes and your Swab Kit is sent out in the post with full instructions. But please remember to return it. Without your Swab we Can’t Register You.

It costs £40 to recruit, tissue type, and maintain one new donor onto the Anthony Nolan register. The STEMCELLSCOUSERS are holding a bag pack in WAITROSE FORMBY on Saturday 8th December to raise much needed funds and they will be supported by the West Lancs and Merseyside Myeloma Support Group, which meets on the first Tuesday of every month at 2pm in the Parenting 2000 building, Mornington Road Southport . PR9 0TS.

Anyone who suffers with or is a Carer for a Myeloma Patient is welcome to come along for a cuppa and a chat. The group leader David Simister can be contacted for more information by email:

Also supporting the STEMCELLSCOUSERS will be the Sefton Cancer Support Group based in Duke Street Formby L37 4AL they are open Monday to Thursday from 10 am to 4 pm and their Drop in Centre is just a few minutes walk from Formby train station. They offer Friendship and a listing ear and give Emotional support. Light lunch is only £1. They also organise Lunches out, Day Trips, and other events throughout the year. To contact the group email: or call 01704 879352.

STEMCELLSCOUSERS was formed by Formby resident Kevin Dunne in 2015 after his wife needed a Stem Cell Transplant and Anthony Nolan found her a Donor in the USA. Kevin is looking for more Volunteers to join the group.

If you have time on your hands and need something to get you out and about on a regular monthly basis or just help out only once a year Kevin would love to hear from you. The StemCellScousers have various roles available from Bucket Collectors, Table Sale Assistants, CakeBakers, Awareness Raisers, GP Liaison Manager, Local Business Liaison Manager, and Social Media Managers who can use their Face Book, Twitter, and Instagram accounts with the #STEMCELLSCOUSERS to publicise events and personal Stem Cell Donor Appeals for Patients with No Matching Donor on any of the Worldwide Registers. STEMCELLSCOUSERS have a network over 2250 Worldwide followers who regularly retweet each other’s Appeals You can follow StemCellScousers on Twitter @Dunne2Kev. #STEMCELLSCOUSERS If you would like to become a Lifesaver then Please contact Kevin by email:

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