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National Trust seeks feedback on proposals for future care of the Formby coast

The National Trust at Formby is asking the community to help further develop ideas for the care of the Formby coast, now and in the future.

Local people are warmly invited to come along to a series of drop-in events to be held throughout September. They will be able to review the feedback received during previous consultation events and contribute to the resulting proposals that are being developed. Consultation events in 2017 focused on collecting views and suggestions for how the Trust can best care for this unique and rapidly changing stretch of coast, for the benefit of the people who love it and the wildlife that makes its home here.

Topics discussed included how to balance the need for parking with conservation of the sensitive landscape at Formby, how to manage traffic on busy days and the big decisions posed by the encroachment of sand onto the Victoria Road car park. Discussions also focused on how to create and link habitats for the benefit of rare wildlife including Natterjack Toads and Red Squirrels and how to improve visitor facilities, which can sometimes struggle to meet demand.

Andrew Brockbank, Countryside Manager for the National Trust at Formby, commented:

“We want to work with our local community to find the best ways to adapt to changing demands on this stretch of coast. The sand dune shoreline is constantly shifting here at Formby and the popularity of the coast brings pressures to both the fragile habitats and facilities. We want to make better provision for our visitors to have a wonderful time here while showing sensitivity to local needs and demonstrating good conservation. We received a fantastic response to our consultation events held throughout 2017 with many ideas being shared about how to care for this special coastline. We now need to work more closely together to balance these multiple demands on the coast.”

Fiona Matthews, the Trust’s Community Involvement Officer at Formby, added: “These September drop-in events are aimed at ‘sense-checking’ the feedback we have received so far and sharing our emerging ideas. The next step after these events will be to develop these basic principles and ideas into detailed proposals, working alongside the community.”

Local people can drop in to any of the events to talk to staff, pick up a copy of our proposal booklet and contribute their views.

Formby Library Saturday 1st September 10-00-14.00

Saturday 8th September 10.00-14.00

Formby Pool Café Tuesday 11th September 9.00-13.00

Saturday 15th September 9.00-13.00

Formby Market, Chapel Street Friday 7th September 9.00-16.00

Additional events will also be added over the coming weeks and will be publicised locally and through the National Trust social media feeds. More information about the consultation events to date and the emerging ideas for Formby Point can be found at:

Comments can also be shared by contacting the National Trust at Formby by email:

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