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Formby High School celebrates GCSE Results

Congratulations to all FHS students who received their GCSE results this morning after a long and no doubt anxious summer break waiting for them! The increased rigour of GCSE examinations and the introduction of numerical grading have meant this cohort of students has been faced with significant challenge and they have risen to that challenge with great energy and determination.

This morning as the envelopes were handed out (some ripped open and others tentatively peaked into) the smiles, relief and happiness took over and they soon felt very proud of their achievements, as did their teachers and parents. Results in the new numerically graded GCSEs have held up very well and a staggering 21 students gained the highest grades (9, 8, 7, A* and A) in at least eight subjects. Also pleasing is the breadth of subjects for which students are receiving results; alongside the more traditional, students have achieved excellent grades in a diverse range of GCSEs, including Dutch, Latin and Astronomy. The celebrations are not exclusive to Year 11 with students from Year 10 collecting very impressive GCSE results in English Language and Religious Studies that have laid very solid foundations for great success in Year 11.

Headteacher, Dominic Mackenzie, said "GCSEs are tough and a test of character. To succeed students have to work hard and show resilience and determination. Our students have displayed characteristics in abundance and deserve the success they have achieved today. Well done to them – they have made their families, teachers and me very proud."

Mrs Fiona Grieveson, Chair of Governors, said "What a pleasure and source of great pride to be here this morning to see the joy and relief on the faces of our students. Governors are acutely aware of the challenges these students have faced amidst the many national changes and they should feel immensely proud of their results this year. I would also like to offer the Governors' continued thanks to all the staff for their hard work in preparing the students so thoroughly for their examinations."

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