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A tree fell today at National Trust Formby on the Squirrel Walk

A part of the Red Squirrel Walk at Formby National Trust has had to be cordoned off today when a tree tripped and fell on the squirrel trail.

A spokesperson for National Trust said: "The area is now closed and work is scheduled to clear the way and make the tree safe in the next day or two."

Formby and the Sefton Coast is one of the few places in England where Red Squirrels have survived and sightings of this charming little animal provide joy to local residents and visitors alike.

The Red Squirrel reserve is the perfect spot as the squirrels are quite used to humans and will come much closer to you than most wild animals.

The Squirrel Walk is such a fantastic place. The National Trust supplement Red Squirrels’ natural pine cone diet by putting out a small quantity of peanuts and sunflower seeds in to their specially designed Squirrel feeders. This helps them to monitor the population and also to keep an eye out for any sick or injured squirrels looking for an easy meal. It also has the added bonus of making the squirrels easier to spot for the many visitors.

They have a fantastic team of volunteers whose role it is to top up the feeders daily and chat to visitors about the Reds as they go around the Squirrel Walk.

National Trust Formby also offer Red Squirrel themed activity kits for schools and groups, for more information including booking details please click here.

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