Formby woman launches new business, cooking your meals for you when you are tired after work

Have you ever got home from work and just could not face cooking dinner? Well now you don't have to! A Formby woman has launched her own business that solves the problem that so many of us have. You go to work whilst Linda cooks your meals for you all ready for when you get home.
Linda has developed 'Food For The Soul'. Linda said: "I developed my passion for cooking whilst living and teaching English as a foreign language in Italy and for a long time, lived in a house which had their own private cook who was an elderly lady from the south of Italy and I learnt so much watching and picking up tips from this wonderful woman."
"Then when I came back to England I did a professional cooking course at Southport College prior to my emigrating to Canada where I set up my business cooking for people in their homes. I would be given lists of what dishes to prepare for them and left the ingredients in the fridge and I would cook up a storm while they were in work, then on their coming home they would portion up the food according to their needs, depending if they were entertaining or just for themselves."
"I also had a family of 9 with eight children and a single divorced Mum who was an estate agent and consequently out working a lot, so I cooked the evening meal for them during the school week and the children were always delighted to come home to delicious smells coming from the oven, prior to my arrival it had been the Grandma and she did things like hamburgers and pasta. I did proper meals with all the trimmings and they loved it!"
"Now I am back in the UK and hope to start afresh with a new client base right here in Formby."
Give Linda a call on Tel: 01704 833026.