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New Look in Formby is closing down at the end of June

It is with sadness that we have to report another shop closure in Formby. New Look, the ladies fashion store in Formby village is closing it's doors for the last time on Friday 29th June 2018.

NEW LOOK confirmed back in March that it will shut 60 stores across the UK within the next year, causing 1,000 job losses but the Formby store was not included in that list, until now.

The fashion company’s new business strategy will cut cost of the rent of the brand, but fans of the chain will see the stores disappearing from their high street.

The executive chairman, Alistair McGeorge said: "It was a 'tough decision' to make the closures, leaving thousands out of work. It is clear we need to reduce our fixed cost base. We are therefore pleased to have gained the support of our creditors to address our over-rented store estate.”

The business has 594 outlets in UK and 213 outlets in Europe, China and the rest of Asia.

New Look is the latest in a number of fashion chains that have been forced to readdress their business plan, after fewer and fewer people are shopping on the high street.

A spokesperson for New Look said: "I can confirm that our store in Formby is due to close and the last day of trade will be 29th June. I am not able to provide further information."

We sadly lost Dorothy Perkins in Formby in June 2016 which was a fixture in Formby village for 27 years and has been sorely missed by residents.

New Look was founded by Tom Singh in Taunton, Somerset, in 1969.

Prior to the closures, it now has more than over 900 stores internationally, including in Belgium, France, the Netherlands, Republic of Ireland and Romania. It has expanded into Asia, with outlets in Malaysia, South Korea, Singapore, Thailand, Indonesia, United Arab Emirates and China.

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