Rowlands Pharmacy held a Superhero Day and Spiderman wowed the crowds

On Thursday 17th May, Rowlands Pharmacy in Formby village held their Superhero Day in aid of the NSPCC. They held a cake sale outside the shop and all the staff dressed up as Superheroes!
They managed to raise over £400 for the charity. At 4 O'clock, Spiderman turned up to wow the kids even more and they loved his acrobats and really enjoyed meeting all their favourite superheros.
A spokeswoman for Rowlands said: "A big thank you to everyone who came to our Super hero day at Rowlands and bought Cakes and Raffle Tickets. It was amazing to see the whole community come together... Businesses and Residents alike."
"A Special Thank you to Hurleston Hall, Derbeyshires, Pizza Express, The Left Bank and for all the businesses that donated raffle prizes and to Spiderman for taking time out from catching bad guys."
"We Raised £400 for the NSPCC. This is equivalent to answering 200 calls via childline or providing 16 hours worth of counselling to a child. Thanks Again, Love Rowlands at Formby."
A huge well done to all involved.