National Trust Formby hosted the Cadbury Easter Egg hunt and this year had the best of both worlds!
The National Trust hosted the Cadbury Easter Egg hunt on Saturday 31st March. Once again it was fully booked.
This year was a bit different because we now have the Lifeboat Road site as well. By using both the Lifeboat Road and Victoria Road entrances, it was possible to offer longer or shorter discovery trails to suit all ages.
The theme was to find the ‘homes’ of some of the different animals that live along the coast and see how they moved and then copy their moves in a dance. Waggle dancing like a bee was very popular!
It was a great day which was enjoyed by all!
If you are interested in any of the National Trust events, please check out the website:

The Bee sign at lifeboat Road.

Young Douglas and his mother Alison do the waggle dance as they have found the Bee sign.

Phoebe prepares to do a Snake wriggle!