Breakfast Break at Formby Luncheon Club on 14th April

Breakfast Break at the Formby Luncheon Club on Saturday 14th April- Everybody welcome to call into Formby Luncheon Club on Saturday 14th April for a full English Breakfast (or a vegetarian option) for just £3.00.
We'll also offer other options such as bacon or sausage toasties. There's also a 'April Special' of Smoked Salmon with scrambled eggs, also for £3.00.
All our breakfasts come with free refills of tea or coffee. We'll also be running a homemade cake and marmalade stall, and a Grand Raffle.
Saturday 14 Apr 2018 at 10:00am until 1:00pm
Formby Luncheon Club can be found at Rosemary Lane, Formby, L37 3HA