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Giant crane lifts A&E extension into place this Saturday as part of £1.25 million improvement pr

A 60m-high crane will dominate the skyline at Southport hospital on Saturday (24 March).

The crane will be lifting four ready-built modules into place to create an eight-bay extension to the accident and emergency department.

The modules will be lowered and assembled in an internal courtyard and then connected to the main hospital. After fitting out, the extended A&E should start accepting its first patients by the end of April.

Steve Treadgold, Head of Estates and Capital for the Trust, said: “The crane weighs 96 tonnes and should be quite a sight. We are carrying this work out at a weekend to keep disruption to a minimum.

“Contractors will be setting up from 6am with the work expected to be complete by early afternoon. Traffic marshals will be on hand to direct motorists and visitors as necessary.”

The extension is part of a £1.25m improvement project to create a better caring and working environment for patients and staff.

Further A&E bays will be created in the main hospital building. There will also be upgrades to the main waiting area, toilets for the disabled, the X-ray waiting room and the area for ambulance arrivals.

Therese Patten, Chief Operating Officer, added: “This building work and investment programme forms part of our commitment to further improve the A&E department for our patients.

“The work will reduce overcrowding at the busiest times, improve the experience of care for patients, particularly their privacy, and provide a better environment for our staff.”

Artist’s impression shows cut-away of the extension set in courtyard next to A&E.

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