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The future of Freshfield Surgery is now secure as new contract holder is found

We are pleased to say that from 1 April 2018, services at Freshfield Surgery in Formby will be provided by Ashurst Healthcare Ltd, securing the future of the surgery.

A procurement exercise to find new providers for two GP practices has now concluded but only one has successfully attracted a new contract holder.

Ashurst Healthcare Ltd have been appointed to run Freshfield Surgery, Formby, but a provider has not been found for Hightown Village Surgery.

Patients registered at the practices and local stakeholders have been informed of the outcome. Plans are now being developed to move patients from Hightown Village to other local GP practices ahead of its closure on 8 June, 2018. It will be ensured that all patients are registered with a new GP by this time.

Glenn Coleman, Head of Primary Care, NHS England (Cheshire and Merseyside) said: “We started the process of trying to find new providers for both GP practices in September last year. We are pleased to say that from 1 April 2018, services at Freshfield Surgery will be provided by Ashurst Healthcare Ltd."

“Unfortunately, despite initially being successful in appointing a new provider for Hightown Village Surgery with a contract price above the national value, the provider has since decided to withdraw their bid. As no other bids were received, we have no option but to close the practice."

“Our main priority now is to ensure that patients have access to high quality GP services. We will be supporting patients to transfer to another GP practice close to where they live to ensure they have continuity of care.”

Dr Craig Gillespie, primary care lead and local GP at NHS South Sefton Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), said: “As part of a listening exercise, we held a number of meetings and discussions with patients and the wider community in Hightown and we completely recognise and understand their desire to retain a GP practice in the village and for this reason, NHS England working with the CCG began the procurement."

"We were not sure whether the procurement would attract bidders for the practice but we did receive one and we were extremely pleased to be able to offer the contract to that provider. However, they subsequently withdrew their bid, which demonstrates the difficulties and level of interest in running this practice."

“It is regrettable that after exploring all practical options, a new provider for Hightown from 1 April 2018 could not be found and our aim now is to ensure that patients can expect to have continuity of care and treatment from their new GP surgery in the future.”

A dedicated helpline has been established should patients and members of the public wish to discuss this further, freephone: 0800 044 8169 or email Hightownpractice@H2A.Global.

No matter where you live, you can choose the local surgery that you wish to join and do not have to be in the one that you live closest to. This also means that anyone that lives in Hightown can also join any surgery in another area such as Formby, or Crosby. This news now means that over 2,000 patients will now have to join other surgeries either in Formby or Crosby.

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