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Tesco Formby apologise about the strange odour in store

Over the last few weeks, you may have noticed a strange smell at Tesco Formby which is very unpleasant for customers whilst shopping.

Tesco have been working very closely with the Tesco maintenance teams and the EHA over the last few weeks to identify where the odour was coming from. Both parties absolutely say that it is not sewage or anything else sinister. They do believe that it's a problem with water pumps and stagnant water. The source is at the undercroft beneath the store and is being lifted through the air vac units and recycled through heating and air con units in the ceiling which can't be turned off at this time of year because the store would be freezing.

Tesco have now also invited an engineering team to inspect the area. The issues surrounding the odour do not appear to be localised and historic treatment isn't resolving the issue.

Tesco Manager Gary Landry said: "I am awaiting the specialist team to review the area this week. The plan is for the engineering team to issue a full report and suggest remedial works that are required to resolve this issue."

The works are expected to include:

  • Identification of possible fracture to under croft pipe work

  • Capping of all open ended pipework's within under croft

  • Remove flooring level and screed at under croft

  • Increase fall rate at under croft

  • Amend or upgrade pump units at under croft

As these works will be substantial they will require quote and estimates and possible tender process which all takes time and has been scheduled as a priority.

Gary went on to say: "In the meantime we will have to continue with a drainage team attending to flush and jet out the area. This is never going to resolve the issue (the engineering report will assist with that) but should assist with managing the situation until a full schedule is known. There is a daily request for IST to attend site each morning and review. If the odour is problematic he will raise a request for drainage to attend and carry out some remedial works."

"I can assure you that we are working hard for a resolution. The smell is from the stagnant water and I reiterate, isn't sinister but very unpleasant for customers and colleagues to which I whole heartedly apologise. I continue to work very closely with maintenance teams and environmental agency to get the resolution needed."

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