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Formby Point via the boardwalk and Victoria Road is closed due to damage caused by Storm Eleanor

Storm Eleanor hit Formby in the early hours this morning, 3rd January with 50mph winds which have caused severe damage at Formby Point to the Boardwalk.

A spokesperson from National Trust Formby said: "The beach access point at Victoria Road and the boardwalk at Lifeboat Road have both been closed today due to damage caused by last night's tidal storm surge. There is a further high tide at 11.45am and we expect more damage to take place at this time. The bottom sections of the boardwalk have been washed away leaving approximately a 3-foot drop at the end. At Victoria Road there is approximately a 4 foot drop at the beach side of the access path."

Due to the high winds brought in by Storm Eleanor, the National Trust Formby will remain closed today. Access to the beach from the car park at Victoria road is also limited... Path is closed for now.

Victoria Road entrance to the beach - Photo taken by National Trust Formby

Watch this video taken at Formby Point on the Boardwalk an hour BEFORE high tide on Wednesday 3rd January 2018....

The Boardwalk completely broken off with the high winds

This photo was taken an hour before High Tide on 3rd January

Here you can see the 3ft drop from the boardwalk making it very unsafe

The Environmental Agency gave out a Warning yesterday, Tuesday 2nd January 2018, ahead of the Tidal Surge that was expected -

'This Alert is for the high tide on the coast from Formby to Crosby on 2nd January at 23:30. People are advised to take additional care next to the coast and stay away from low lying land, roads and promenades. Significant spray and wave action is expected, there is also a risk of debris. High water levels can be expected 2 hours before and after the peak of the high tide. Environment Agency staff are monitoring the situation and checking tidal defences. An update will be issued if the situation changes. It is unlikely further Flood Alerts will be issued in this tide cycle. Detailed tidal information for those who use it; The forecast high tide level will peak at 5.99 mAOD. This alert is for the more prominent risk of wave overtopping rather than water level.'

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