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Woodlands – It’s going to be a prickly winter

Woodlands – It’s going to be a prickly winter

Hedgehogs are nocturnal mammals who hibernate during winter. However, they only

hibernate for around 10 Days at a time. This means that over winter you will, and should,

still see hogs out and about, hogging around. If you see a hog out during the day there will

be something wrong with it – because they are nocturnal, (active during the night NOT the

day). In this case it will need a direct source of heat as soon as possible and then be taken

to a reputable hog rescue or vets practice.

Healthy hogs will wake up and move around in between hibernating. During this time, they need to be able to find enough food, to maintain their weight so they can do another 10 days’ hibernation successfully. To this end, if you are a soft release site for Woodlands Animal Sanctuary you will know that part of what you have agreed to is that you will provide food for the hog(s) 365 days a year indefinitely. This is done for this very reason.

Even if you do not want to release a hog, you can certainly still do your bit to help this

endangered native British animal, simply by leaving food out for them all year round – but

especially in winter. A quality dry cat food can be used in this instance, or a reputable hog

mix. If you live in Lancashire, Woodlands Animal Sanctuary have their own blend of hog

food, that they feed to all their rescued and rehabilitating hedgehogs. You can even buy

some for the hogs in your garden from their onsite pet shop.

By placing the shallow bowl of food in a hog house, you can minimise the risk that other

animals will steal the food before the grateful hog, for which it was intended, can get to it. To ensure the hogs can utilise the food, they will need access your garden. A small hole (13cm x 13cm) in the fence, a gap under the gate or room under the hedge, all allow hedgehogs to pass through easily but are too small for nearly all other pets. By contributing towards improving ‘hedgehog highways’ you will most certainly help to save at least one hogs life this winter.

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