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Formby residents have their say on the future of the coast

Formby residents have their say on the future of the coast

Protecting wildlife, improving facilities and maintaining Formby’s unique atmosphere are at the heart of residents’ hopes for Formby’s future, according to results of public consultations carried out over the summer by the National Trust.

Between July and September 2017, staff and volunteers hosted events across Formby to record residents’ ideas, concerns and hopes for the future of the coast. Events included an Open Day at the Gild Hall, a stall at the Formby Festival, and a series of ‘pop up’ consultations at locations in Formby village and on the National Trust site. Around 300 people were consulted, and their comments have been collated into a report, which is out now on the National Trust website.

The consultation coincides with the 50th anniversary of the National Trust taking on the care of the coast at Freshfield, and as the Trust takes on the care of an additional 204 hectares of land at Formby point.

National Trust General Manager Joanne Hudson said,

'Taking on the care of Lifeboat Road and Ravenmeols makes this anniversary year an important moment in the history of the Formby Coast. It is a fantastic chance to rethink how the coast is cared for, for the benefit of the wildlife that that rely on the dunes and pinewoods, and also for residents and visitors who love the area.’

‘We have been working closely with our neighbours and stakeholders to develop plans for the future, and are delighted to have had the chance to record the views of so many people across Formby.’

‘The report shows that there is a high degree of trust around the National Trust's ability to care for the landscape and wildlife, but that there are concerns about visitor numbers, parking, litter and antisocial behaviour. A need for improved facilities and access were recurring themes.’

‘Residents want the site's unique atmosphere and areas of wildness to be safeguarded. A strong sense of the love and connection that people feel for the site came across in many comments, and we hope to build on that by continuing to work closely with the community as plans progress.’

The full report can be viewed or downloaded from the Formby National Trust Website:

To find out more about how to get involved with plans for the future, please visit:

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