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Co-op in Formby have raised over £12,000 for local causes since opening just over a year ago

Co-op in Formby invited everyone on Saturday 25th November to come together and celebrate how the Local Community Fund is making a difference to our Bubble.

Since opening their very busy, beautiful new store on Queens Road, Formby, just over a year ago, Co-op have given £12,865 to local causes.

This includes:

Ormskirk Neonatal Endowment Fund £4,546.78

Formby Luncheon Club £4,245.15

Southport Gymnastics Club £4,073.26

Co op as a business has raised over £20 million!

A Co-op spokesman said: "The Local Community Fund is our way of giving back to our local communities. Through buying Co-op branded products and services our members have now raised an amazing £20 million for local causes. This is a fantastic achievement and that's what our celebration day was all about, an opportunity to thank you, our customers, on our celebration day on 25th November in our Food stores."

"Celebration day was important because it gave the opportunity for customers to see how their money is being spent to benefit their community. It also raised the profile of their cause and amazing work and was a chance for us to build ongoing relationships with our valued customers."

How the fund works

As a member, every time you shop at Co-op, 1% of what you spend on selected own-brand products and services goes to the local community fund.

The money raised by all the members in your community, together with money from shopping bag sales, helps to fund local projects in the area where you live.

Since September 2016, Co-op has raised a total of more than £20 million. You can choose which cause you want your own 1% to go to. Any money raised by members who don’t select a cause is added to the money raised from shopping bag sales and shared equally between the causes in their local area.

Co-op choose new causes every 12 months.

Follow Co-op Formby on their Twitter page HERE

Photos from Formby Celebration Day on Saturday 25th November 2017. Well done everyone!

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