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Planning application for 12 detached houses in new gated community on Queens Road in Formby

A planning application has been submitted to Sefton Council for a brand new gated development on Queens Road in Formby. This will include the erection of 12 detached 2.5 and 3 storey dwellings with off street parking and associated landscaping.

The proposal site is currently occupied by six semi detached properties which are located along Queen’s Road. Main access route will remain along Queens Road, however it will become a private road with gated access once the development is completed.

The scheme proposes 12 new dwellings comprising of 3no. 4 bedroom houses, 8no. 5 bedroom houses and 1no. 6 bedroom house. Density:

By looking at the existing dwellings in the immediate area, a number of properties include significant land. The applicant is also looking to increase the net density from 10 to 20 which is a significant increase. Parking: Due to the 4/5/6 bed nature of the dwellings, the scheme provides 24 parking spaces at 2 spaces per dwelling. In addition, each property also includes a garage. Amenity Space: Each dwelling has a rear garden providing a usable area in excess of the 70sqm required by Sefton Council’s New Housing SPG. The site will also result in the loss of 68 trees which will be replaced with higher quality trees.

1. Street Scene The massing and location of both unit 1 and 12 was to provide an enclosure to the street scape along Queens Road. In locating the units against the site boundary, it will provide an interesting street scene having the dwellings a part of the boundary. Incorporated into the boundary between the two properties will be the vehicle and pedestrian access.

2. Entrance The vehicular and pedestrian access off Queens Road is to be a secure gated entrance point ensuring low vehicular speeds on entering the site. The separate pedestrian and vehicular gates are to be set back 8m to allow vehicles to pull into the site without impeding traffc on Queens Road. Once within the site the eye is drawn along the line of trees running along one sides of the street, amongst these, glimpse of the proposed developments architectural qualities can be seen.

3. Central Court The insertion of a wide fronted, two-storey unit at the western end of the scheme allows a cluster of units to form a small court that breaks the building line and adds variety to the scheme’s scale and massing. At the entrance to the courtyard, two two-storey unit face one another establishing key corner points within the development. These face towards the court which includes the vehicular parking spaces. In including such feature, it will enhance the natural surveillance and activity within the development.

4. Pedestrian Route A designated pedestrian walkway has been created to providing a clear distinction between vehicle and pedestrian route. This provides the scheme with a safe and secure walkway allowing easy access to the local shops and amenities along Queens Road on foot. The walkway will be lined with new trees and a strip of greenspace, establishing a subtle boundary between the road and footpath. The walkway will be well supervised by units to both sides of the route.


Redeveloping Queens Road provides a unique opportunity to provide high quality accommodation in an established residential area. The scheme has been designed to the highest quality and aims to provide the region with a mix of 4,5 and 6 bedroom properties. The redevelopment of Queens Road aims to positively contribute to the local area by:

1. Increasing the provision of 4, 5 and 6 bed properties in the Formby area.

2. Improving the quality of available properties in the Formby area.

3. Improve the built quality of a prominent site which does not currently use its area to its full potential.

4. Improving the streetscape and visual amenity for residents along Queens Road.

5. Improving the security of the local area by introducing better security to the sites perimeter and increasing overlooking to the areas around the site.

6. Improving the biodiversity of the site by introducing new trees, hedges, and planting.

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