Beach Access Restored

Best shovels forward!
The Lifeboat Road Boardwalk is the best practical accessible route to the beach for wheelchair users or for those with limited mobility. Keeping it clear is important. A great task force of twenty mustered for the September clearance – with National Trust and Sefton MBC Rangers joining the Trust’s Friday volunteers and volunteers of the Sefton Coast Partnership. It took just over three hours to move the estimated four and a half tons of sand that had blown onto the boardwalk and beach access point.
‘Thanks to everyone for their hard work in clearing away the blown sand’ commented National Trust’s Countryside Manager Andrew Brockbank – ‘but the task never ends, so we’ll be back again in late October to start all over again!’
Contact the National Trust or Friends of the Sefton Coast for details of how you can help. E mail: or or

All clear– for this month!