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Local MP celebrates turnaround of Weld Blundell

Sefton Central MP Bill Esterson took his turn behind the bar at the newly opened Weld Blundell to celebrate the reopening of the local pub following a 17-month closure.

The Weld Blundell has been given a resounding thumbs-up by the local community a week after opening following a £490k refurbishment by Star Pubs & Bars and new pub operator, Mike Reeve.

Mike Reeve commented: “We are so proud we’ve been able to reopen The Weld Blundell and to give the community the pub they’ve always wanted. It’s been a fantastic first week. We realised it would be popular when we opened as we already had almost 1200 likes on Facebook before we even opened the doors! The support we’ve had from the community has been overwhelming. Coming from the area and having family still here, it means a lot. Thank you!”

Bill Esterson MP said: “It was a pleasure to visit the Weld Blundell and see the transformation. As well as providing 15 jobs in the constituency, the pub will be a real community hub for people of all ages and backgrounds. I wish Mike and his team every success in the future.”

Chris Moore, strategy & property director, of Star Pubs & Bars added: “Mike is an award-winning pub operator with many years’ experience. He has already turned around another of our pubs and will do a great job with The Weld Blundell, which looks superb.

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