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The introduction of a zig-zag approach on Network Rails number one most dangerous pedestrian crossin

Harington Ward Councillors successful meeting means the introduction of a zig-zag approach for Network Rails number one most dangerous pedestrian crossing.

As of Wednesday 9th August, Fishermans Path Level Crossing was officially opened again after being closed by Network Rail for a month. There are now Network Rail staff stationed again at the site whilst the trains are in service until further notice. This is thanks in no small part to the hard work of Councillor Denise Dutton.

A spokesperson from Network Rail said: "Fishermans Path level Crossing will be re-opened today, Wednesday 9th August. Once the crossing is open Network Rail personnel will be stationed at the crossing until further notice."

At a meeting on site on Thursday 10th August, Sefton Harington Ward Councillors Denise Dutton and Michael Pitt together with Parish Council Chair, Councillor Mike Coles, Priti Patel, the Head of Safety Health and Environment at Network Rail had discussions to try to resolve the long term safety issues of Fisherman's Path Level Crossing. Also present at the meeting were Graham Lymbery from Sefton Council Planning and Highway Development and 3 other Network Rail staff including Project Manager Gemma Richardson.

Priti Patel confirmed: "The crossing features at number one in the Network Rail dangerous pedestrian crossings list and at number 7 of around 4,000 in the general list of dangerous crossings of all types across the UK. As such the improvement of safety at Fisherman’s Path Crossing is a very high priority for Network Rail."

Network Rail will now make changes to the crossing involving changing the pedestrian approach and also what is termed as the 'Crossing Decision Point'. This will involve the introduction of a zig-zag approach to a clearly marked point in the crossing where a decision to cross or not can be made. These design changes are intended to alter the decision making process and encouraging users to take the process of crossing more seriously and to prevent any direct rush being made across from gate to gate.

Cllr Michael Pitt said: "Everyone at the meeting felt that these improvements are essential and that they should be scheduled for completion as soon as possible."

Cllr Pitt went on to say: "The works will require a closure of the crossing of around three weeks later in the year but, this closure will be discussed with and approved by Sefton Council at the meeting scheduled to be held shortly. This time we are assured proper notice of the temporary closure dates will be given to the public."

Man stationed at Fishermans Path Crossing from when the trains start early morning until they finish at Midnight.

Man stationed at Fishermans Path Crossing from when the trains start early morning until they finish at Midnight.

New signs were put up after the death of Yasmin Jones who died in 2014.

An emergency telephone is at the crossing which you can also use to find out when the next train is due

The crossing fenced off last month

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