Angling Tactics - Its Mackerel Time

IT’S MACKEREL time on many coastlines! Despite below-par catches from beaches in recent years in many areas, they are relatively abundant around the whole of the British Isles.
It’s now, in these warmer months, when they can be found in colossal shoals, pursuing bait fish such as sandeels.
Being a true shoal fish, individuals have zero time to be fussy over a potential meal, which makes mackerel very easy to catch. But here are some mackerel fishing tips to follow…
Spinning and float fishing are successful mackerel tactics, but a string of feathers beats all methods and is exciting stuff, especially with a full set of six lively fish on the line at once – it’ll certainly put a pleasing bend in your rod.
Powerhouse beachcasting rods aren’t essential for the odd feathering session; a stepped up 12ft carp rod is perfect. I use a 3.25lb test curve model and couple it with a pit reel loaded with 12lb monofilament with some stronger line to act as a shock absorber. A 3oz distance carp lead is more than adequate for reaching mackerel shoals, which can sometimes swim within a few yards of the shore as they wreak havoc on their prey.

I myself have brilliant memories of mackerel fishing as a child landing on the boat fish after fish with every drop of the colourful feathers, then back to the beach for fresh Barbecued fillets that literally took five minutes to cook.
Apart from being very easy to catch and extremely tasty mackerel have other qualities such as being the best fishing bait available nothing beats the oily meaty flesh of a mackerel predatory fish find it hard to resist . Fish you may be lucky enough to land using mackerel are Tope, Dog fish, Bull Huss, Smooth hound, Commom Skate, Thornback Ray, Conger Eel, Cod, Bass, Pollock, Whiting, Gurnard, Pouting. To be honest I could keep going most fish in uk waters won't turn down a mackerel dinner.
Remember I would love to see your catches so please send them in to the and I will pick some lucky fisherman to feature in my next article tight lines.
Jeff Cavanagh
We would just like to add that no fish are ever harmed during my fishing trips, I support a tag and release system.