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50 things to do before you're 11¾  at National Trust Formby with Children's University

Learning doesn’t stop at the end of the school day. The great outdoors is the best classroom you’ll ever have. Children’s University is a national scheme which encourages children to continue learning outside of school and Formby is now one of their Learning Destinations.

National Trust at Formby is registered as a Learning Destination for the Children's University. The idea is to get kids and families involved in various activities that will spark a love for learning whilst having fun in the process!

National Trust already has a great programme of activities to encourage children to explore the great outdoors in our '50 things to do before you're 11¾'. This new partnership adds to this programme as now children who are signed up to the University can get credits for taking part in some of the 50 things activities.

The Trust is keen to reconnect youngsters with nature by encouraging them to get more outdoor action in their lives. Kids from all over the UK have nominated their favourite adventures and the Trust has printed these in My Wild Adventure Scrapbook. It's free and available from the Membership and Information Trailer – just ask the team.

The 60 pages give all sorts of ideas for all year round fun. The pages are validated with a stamp or sticker when the activity has been achieved. We chose jumping over a wave – that’s easy on the shoreline but do take care, following a twig trail in the woods and making a sandcastle on the beach instead of making a mud pie. There are lots and lots of other ideas such as flying a kite, following a map or having a cycle ride. All the details are in the book.

Activities are available at the Trust’s outdoor sites all over the country – so it’s a great idea to keep the scrapbook in the car.

Note to the grown-ups. We recommend that you use your own best judgement about what is safe and suitable for your children and supervise where necessary.

Children’s University passport Stamps for five great holiday ideas.

Children’s University is a national scheme which encourages children to continue learning outside of school. Children taking part in the scheme have a CU Passport to Learning. They can visit CU Learning Destinations and take part in accredited learning activities which then earn them a stamp in their passport.

Youngsters can get a special Formby Squirrel stamp at the Membership and Education trailer for making a Kite, hunting for bugs, finding your way with a compass and map, following the Asparagus trail or playing Woodland Bingo.

Top photo: Beach sandcastle by Hugh, Beth Alice and Emily

Hannah, George and Robert get their Passport stamps

Charlotte jumps the waves

Joshua and Thomas on the twig trail in Victoria Wood

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