Churches together bring you The Easter Story and The Walk of Witness this Good Friday - TODAY

Jerusalem comes to Formby Village this Good Friday - Friday 14th April
Once again, the ‘Churches Together’ group who brought the spectacular Christmas Story to our town a few months ago invite everyone to a new dramatisation of the Easter Story.
The walk of Witness will start in Chapel Lane between Boots and the War Memorial and working it’s way down to the grounds of Formby Pool where seating will be available for anyone who needs it. Rev Sue Thomas from Holy Trinity will lead the prayer and give the address.
With a large cast of local volunteer actors from across Formby the play brings the story of Easter alive. Told from Peter’s perspective the story will take us through the last days of Jesus life, from the Last supper through the arrest, trial, passion and his resurrection.
Why not stay for tea/coffee and Hot Cross Buns which will be provided by Formby Pool Volunteers after the event? All proceeds will go to Famine Relief in Africa.
Everybody is welcome. The event takes place with the time and effort of many volunteers from across Formby as actors, stage hands, stewards and costume makers and is funded by local churches.
Churches Together In Formby, Altcar & Hightown
Friday 14th April 2017
Walk of Witness 11:00 a.m.
The Easter Story 11:30 a.m.
Last year over 800 local people lined the route cheering and waving branches of greenery. A fantastic event for our community.
All are welcome.