Beach clean at Formby Beach on Monday 3rd April 2017 - Get Involved!
Andy Laverick, (in Lobster costume) our local Marine Conservation Society Sea Champion is asking for volunteers to join in with their upcoming event.
This Beachwatch event is coming up on Monday 3rd April 2017. The event starts at 10:30am till 12 noon. It will be at Freshfield beach again (on the national trust property).
A previous local event collected 126kg of waste was collected by 8 volunteers in 90 minutes. This total included This total included 461 separate items of plastic and unfortunately, a sizeable number of wet wipes and cotton bud sticks were found
Andy would therefore like to invite you and any of your colleagues. To sign-up for this great LOCAL event please visit
You can either contact me via email below or just meet up at the National Trust on Victoria Road car park by the rubbish bins. Email details are as follows:
Thanks for your support
Andy Laverick
MCS Sea Champion