Dog walkers urged to be vigilant after poisonous fatbergs wash up on a beach
Dog owners are being asked to be vigilant after the discovery of Palm Oil fatbergs have appeared on New Brighton beach which is only 6 miles from Formby beach.
The fatbergs are poisonous to dogs.
These are high concentrations of an oily fat that can be toxic if eaten by a dog. They can vary in size from the size of a golf ball to a boulder.
It’s not known precisely where they came from but it’s thought that a Palm Oil consignment may have fallen off a ship. There was a spillage in Dublin some months ago and there has been an alert on Anglesey also.
A Fatberg is the term for a giant lump of congealed fat. The fat is held together with other items that people should not be flushing down the drains such as wet wipes, cotton buds and sanitary products. A picture of the fatbergs, on New Brighton beach, was posted on Facebook page.
The waxy blobs appear to look like candle wax however dogs love the smell of the palm oil but eating it can poison and kill them.
The white substance pictured on the sand of New Brighton beach is called Fatberg and it is highly dangerous to dogs - Photo by Taz Arke Dirania