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Helicopter training exercises over Formby

You may have noticed the low flying helicopters over the last couple of days flying over Hightown and Formby from the Altcar training camp. They are in fact Royal Navy helicopters involved in search and rescue exercises.

Colonel Mark Underhill OBE said: "Altcar Training Camp are once again hosting a tri - Service helicopter exercise over the period Monday 27th February to Friday 4th March. This will involve a number of helicopters undertaking a low level mixed formation training exercise using multiple areas of the Altcar Training Camp site."

He went on to say: "The helicopters will be involved in some late night flying. Any inconvenience is regretted. Thank you."

The helicopters are of different types which include Chinooks and Merlins and are a fantastic site to see.

Watch our short video taken today, Tuesday 28th February......

A Chinook and a Merlin helicopter taken today over Formby

Here are some photos that Formby residents have captured as they fly over head.

This photo of a Chinook over Formby taken by Tracy Crosthwaite‎

These two photos above were take by Diane Brockbank over Formby

Here are some pictures of the helicopters whilst at Altcar last year when they invited members of the public to go down and have a look.

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