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Firefighters urge everyone to make a new year’s pledge to test their smoke alarms monthly

Firefighters urge everyone to make a new year’s pledge to test their smoke alarms monthly

Make a new year’s resolution: test your smoke alarms every month in 2017 – and beyond.

That’s the rallying cry from Merseyside Fire & Rescue Service which is supporting the Fire Kills campaign to ask people to make testing their smoke alarms monthly one of their New Year’s resolutions.

Many people see January as an opportunity for a fresh start, and safety should be top of the list. So, this month, firefighters are encouraging everyone to make sure they have enough smoke alarms in the home and that they work. It only takes a few seconds and saves lives.

Smoke alarms can give someone the few extra seconds they need to escape in a fire. While the majority of homes across the country now have an alarm fitted, most people are not aware that the average alarm has a lifespan of just ten years and then needs replacing.

For people who live in a multi-storey home or a larger property, a single smoke alarm is simply not enough.

Last year, in nearly half of all fires in homes across the UK where the smoke alarm did not give a warning the reason was that the alarm was not close enough to detect the fire. Missing or flat batteries were another major cause.

Merseyside Fire & Rescue Service is asking people to make sure that their alarms are up-to-date and up to the job.

To keep your alarms in working order:

  • Make sure there is at least one smoke alarm on every level of your home;

  • Test your smoke alarms by pushing the button every month;

  • Check that your smoke alarms are less than 10 years old;

  • Fit smoke alarms on landings and hallways and near bedrooms. Also consider fitting them in rooms which have electrical appliances – e.g. a heater or charger;

  • Take a moment to check on your loved ones who may need help to ensure they’re fully protected.

Merseyside Fire & Rescue Service Group Manager Gary Oakford said: “At this time of year, many people will be thinking of what they can do – big or small – to make a fresh start and improve their lives, homes and well-being.

“Smoke alarms can offer vital protection for you and your loved ones, but most people simply fit and forget – they don’t know if it might be coming to the end of its lifespan or not working at all.

“For most of us, there is nothing more important than keeping our loved ones safe and secure. So if your alarm is getting past its best or your top floor is missing an alarm of its own, make your New Year’s resolution to fit new ones, test them on the first of every month and protect your loved ones in 2017.”

For free fire safety advice call: 0800 731 5958 -- 0800 731 5958 -- 0800 731 5958

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