Help protect our red squirrels against speeding drivers

Our Red squirrels are getting ran over by speeding cars on a day to day basis, the signs that have been put up are there for good reason, Remember it is their home as well as ours we need to keep our speed down especially on our new 20MPH roads because even though you might think it is safe to go a little bit fast it is not here is why:
There are still a high number of casualties on urban roads in the UK. In 2015, 747 people were killed, 15,517 were seriously injured and 133,753 slightly injured in reported road collisions on built up roads in Great Britain. A large proportion of these accidents occurred on residential roads, with 90 deaths on B roads in built-up areas and 292 deaths on other minor roads in built-up areas.
Effectiveness of 20mph speed limits and zones
A large number of evaluation studies have demonstrated a link between the introduction of 20mph zones and a subsequent reduction in casualties. The size of the reductions and the consistency of results over a wide number of areas are further evidence for this link.
There is similarly strong evidence showing the benefits of traffic calming measures, which are used in 20mph zones.
20mph limits without traffic calming also reduces traffic speed, although this effect is smaller than when they are introduced with traffic calming or other measures. Their lower cost means that wider areas can be covered.
As well as road safety benefits, it is important to highlight the contribution that 20mph zones can have in encouraging more physical activity, such as walking and cycling, by contributing towards a safer environment. The money spent on the schemes can also greatly improve the character of a residential area and quality of life of the residents.
our Red Squirrels are getting killed day by day by speeding traffic!
The development of roads affects wildlife by altering and isolating habitat and populations, deterring the movement of wildlife, and resulting in extensive wildlife mortality.[2] One writer states that "our insulated industrialized culture keeps us disconnected from life beyond our windshields."[3] Driving "mindlessly" without paying attention to the movements of others in the vehicle's path, driving at speeds that don't allow stopping, and distractions contribute to the death toll.[3] Moreover, a culture of indifference and hopelessness is created if people learn to ignore lifeless bodies on roads
About the Red Squirrels in Formby
Red Squirrels Northern England has classified Formby and the wider Sefton Coast as one of the 17 Red Squirrel strongholds in the North of England. The plantation conifer woodlands here make a good habitat for the native Reds as they like to feed on the seeds found in the pine cones. As the pine cones tend to grow near the end of the branches Grey Squirrels struggle to get to them, because of their heavier weight, making this area less attractive for this species to live in.
National Trust works with a number of partners as part of the Merseyside Red Squirrel Project in order to conserve this much loved species within the local area. Lancashire Wildlife Trust are the coordinators of this project. Their staff and volunteers undertake a wide variety of work including Spring and Autumn monitoring, Grey Squirrel control and engaging with the public and local community to spread the word about Red Squirrel conservation. For more information about Lancashire Wildlife Trust’s work for Red Squirrel conservation click here.
If you see a Grey Squirrel or a sick, injured or dead Red Squirrel within the Sefton area then please contact Lancashire Wildlife Trust but please let us avoid contacting about dead squirrels by keeping our speed down on 20mph road's please! Thank you.