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Why is the Formby War Memorial blue?

Bernie Prescott of Formby Parish Council was doing gardening at the Formby war memorial when he noticed an old light on the lamppost. Bernie thought it would be great if it was re-instated to shine on the war memorial. He contacted the Highways department about getting the light back on but, was told that it could not be used because the light had not worked in years, the brackets were broke and the lamp posts were coming down. Mark Bond from the highways department put Bernie in touch with a lighting company, W.T.Jenkins who he thought might be able to help. Bernie met up with Steve Murray of W.T.Jenkins who thought it was a great idea and said if the Parish Council got it all passed and sorted the trenches to be dug either side, that he would supply and fit the new light for free!

Bernie couldn't believe it and went ahead to organise everything. Bernie and Frank Stinner of the Parish Council went along for a trial of the light a few weeks later to see what it looked like and if it was in the right position. The only problem was, they did not have a white light available for the test but, just wanted to see what it would look like and used a blue one instead, just for the trial.

One quiet evening in Formby, they all stood across the road to observe the switch on. When the blue light came on, they all stood, mesmerised by it, Frank was the first one to speak: "I like it in blue." Bernie said: "It just looked quite emotive. It seemed to draw the eye across to it." The decision was made to leave it blue.

Bernie said: "Steve Murray of W.T.Jenkins has been amazing. He has done all the works involved and done it for free!"

Steve said: "As a Formby resident, I wanted to do this as a mark of respect." Formby Bubble thinks the blue lighting looks completely haunting and we love it! Well done to Bernie for instigating the whole thing, well done to W.T.Jenkins and particularly Steve Murray for supplying what has now become a mesmerising focal point for our war memorial and for doing it free of charge.

Fantastic and just in time for Remembrance Day. Well done to everyone involved.

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