The Freshfield Choice is 'Squirrel Walk' by Wendy Graham

The annual exhibition of Formby Photo Group was supported this year by the Freshfield Pub on Massams Lane. As part of the support, the Freshie manager, Paddy McGrory had to choose an image from the exhibition to be 'The Freshfield Choice'.
After a very difficult choice, Paddy picked the winning picture. The Freshfield Choice for 2016 was 'Squirrel Wal' by Wendy Graham. The Freshfield awarded prizes to the winner of 'The People's Choice' from the exhibition and 'The Freshfield Choice' and they also provided one of the raffle prizes. The support of The Freshfield for Formby Photo Group's annual Exhibition will continue in future years.

Paddy McGrory with Wendy Graham
Wendy Graham's photo 'Squirrel Walk' has now been installed in pride of place over one of the fireplaces by the bar in The Freshie. Paddy presented Wendy with her prize, two bottles of Prosecco on the night. The image will hang in that location for at least a year.
The FPG Exhibition is an annual event but the support from the Freshfield is a new innovation this year and looks likely that this support from the Freshie will recur annually.

The Freshfield Pub is on Massam's Lane, Formby, L37 7BD.
Visit their Facebook Page HERE