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Wool Week 10 - 16 October

The Good Wool Blog:

Which project to choose next? Most knitters and crocheters probably have a queue of projects lined up – the Ravelry website even has a section for you to list them all. But opinions vary on whether it’s better to be strictly disciplined and finish one project before starting the next, or to have several on the go at once. Ask at our Knit and Natter groups and you’ll find people in both camps.

I used to be a “one-at-a-time” knitter but had a revelation when I was asked to knit some little items for a Christmas fair.

My project at the time was a highly complicated pattern with lots of different colours, worked from a chart so I had to concentrate on every row: some sections felt more like weaving than knitting.

To be honest I’d hit a bit of a block and hadn’t picked it up in ages but felt I shouldn’t start anything new till it was finished.

What happened was that I made some little Christmas ornaments, each finished in an evening or two, and got the bug again.

Once the fair was over I was itching to keep knitting but wanted something I could get my teeth into a bit more. I went back to the jumper, finished the first sleeve and got well into the second.

Then I got intrigued by a friend who knitted exquisite lace shawls, so bought some hand-dyed lace yarn and started what should have been a simple shawl of my own.

That was perfect for summer evenings, when I didn’t want anything as heavy as the jumper on my lap.

But as autumn came on I started planning Christmas presents, so both shawl and jumper went on one side so I could start bags and scarves and coffee cosies…

Those two projects are still sitting waiting patiently, and I will finish them both. One day.

For now I’m loving the soft warmth of the Blue-Faced Leicester aran I’m knitting into a cable hat, and there’s the glove puppet I don’t need to concentrate on too hard which makes it just right for taking to the Knit and Natter group.

And the cowl to showcase some new multi-coloured 4-ply yarn.

Not so much horses for courses, more a project for every occasion.

Photos: 1. the complicated jumper, with bobbins for every colour

2. simple Christmas gifts

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