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Marie Curie – Live Shop Window Dinner Party

Live window dinner party in Formby - Marie Curie Dinner Down Memory Lane

Add meaning to your menu and hold a dinner party for Marie Curie who are calling on food fans in Formby to hold a dinner party with a difference this October to raise money for Marie Curie, the charity that cares for people with any terminal illness.

To help get local people in the mood for hosting their own dinner party with a difference, the charity’s Formby shop will be staging a live dinner party in place of their usual window display on Saturday 1st October from 12.00pm, with guests to include local Labour Cllr Catie Page.

Shop manager Vicky Hall said: “Cllr Page is such a good sport for helping us spread the word about Dinner Down Memory Lane. It will certainly be hard for people passing not to notice the party going on the other side of the glass. It’s not what you would normally see browsing the shop window of a Saturday afternoon! Hopefully this spectacle will encourage people to get involved and sign up to host their own dinner party in support of the fantastic care and support through terminal illness Marie Curie Nurses provide for our patients and their families.”

Chair of the new Marie Curie Formby Fundraisnig Group, Paige Baxter was joined by shop volunteer Peter Ludbrook, both in full evening wear to launch the initiative locally.

Paige said: “Dinner parties are a great way to share memorable moments with friends and family. By hosting a Dinner Down Memory Lane, you’ll be adding something different to the mix. The meal you enjoy together will also help fund Marie Curie Nurses, who care for people in their own homes. This means more people living with a terminal illness can spend quality time with their loved ones.”

She added: “Your evening can be as simple, creative or fancy as you like. So, whether you love to experiment with the classics or prefer rustling up a much-loved family favourite, it’s all about sharing good times together and supporting a great cause. Instead of asking your guests to bring a bottle, ask them for a donation to Marie Curie – the perfect way to add meaning to your menu. The money raised from every dinner party will help Marie Curie provide more free care to people living with a terminal illness and their families.”

Antony Jones, Community Fundraiser for Marie Curie said: “We’re really looking forward to seeing what the local community cooks up – whether it be a classic recipe from the past or a brand new culinary creation. We already have supporters planning a 50s themed dinner party, a Masterchef style competition, a school reunion and a family dinner party in memory of a much loved family member. If you haven’t done any fundraising before this is the perfect opportunity to get involved and make a difference.”

For more information and to sign up for a free fundraising pack visit or call 0800 716 146.

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