The proposed developments at Shorrocks Hill.
Photo from Google Earth Images
The proposed developments at Shorrocks Hill are far worse than previously painted. As usual the local people are not yet aware of the full extent of Sefton's plan for this area. The first time it was mentioned and came up for discussion was during the last days of the Public Enquiry when a Agent for the developer of the site turned up with a plan for a small number of detached homes within a gated estate.
The Inspector listened to objections from people living near the site but then decided that there was not enough time available to discuss all the implications so he advised the council to go away and come up with a plan of their own that they thought would be more appropriate. Consequently the council have now come forward with a new list of plans which will be known as "modifications " to the proposed Local Plan. These additions will have to go before the council and once voted on will require the council to carry out a public consultation.
The revised for Shorrocks Hill is to build 60 affordable homes, a 200 space car park, a new road access within the site, and a toilet block, all in all about 8 acres Some may say that this is just what Formby needs but this is not just an important site for wildlife it is also part of Formby's history. This is probably one of the last vestiges of what was Formby's rural past. The area also butts up to an important nature reserve and is surrounded by a mature woodland.
Formby has watched whilst every parcel of rural land has gradually been built on so now the planners are eying up prime areas like this which are set amongst the pine woods and just a stones throw from the beach. These houses will not be sold to young couples trying to get on the property ladder they will end up as holiday homes, second homes or a buy to let investor.
The car park will replace a great number of trees, covered in tarmac with its toilet block adjoining, it will transform that area into a unsightly barren place. To use this attractive part of Formby in this way is an unforgivable act by the council. It is simply to accommodate the needs of the visitors and is no benefit to the residents as it will only be useful for the short summers we have and will hardly take up the slack of the huge numbers arriving here on a sunny day. I also wonder were Sefton are to get the money to build new toilet blocks in the woods when Formby village has not had one for years.So as usual the environment is to be sacrificed to make way for the ever growing pressure on this strongly protected and internationally important coastal area. When this is all built then what next will follow? Maybe food outlets, a small fairground, or a number of kiosks selling beach goods.
It cannot and must not happen we all have a duty to look after what is left of Formby and fight to prevent the loss of any more of its charm and tranquillity. Shorrocks Hill could become a country hotel providing a quiet, healthy environment to people who want to walk and respect the areas lovely scenery, it used to be a fitness centre and has all the ingredients for a spa or something similar. Formby is sadly lacking in hotel accommodation and this property would be most welcome for this purpose.
Sefton's Local Plan has the initial approval from the inspector and I assume everyone in Formby is aware of the agreement to build around a thousand houses in Formby together with an industrial site all of which I estimate will cover over a hundred acres of green belt land, this is surely enough to satisfy even the most keen advocates of house building need in Formby, and so why do we have to start building in the pine woods?
In conclusion all is not lost because on June the 15th the council will be publishing details of this development which will be followed by a Public consultation lasting for six weeks. During this time you will have the opportunity to make a representation to the council. More importantly the council are duty bound to send all replies to the Inspector who will then make his final decision. He may even recall the Public Enquiry to discuss it further.The more response he gets the more chance we will have of thrashing it out. So please keep an eye on the local papers etc as I am sure the council will advertise all this and please find the time to voice how you feel, let us use this one opportunity to tell those in power how much we love this place and how determined we are to preserve it so that future generations can continue to enjoy the benefits it provides in our hectic world.
By Yvonne Irving.
The Sefton Local Plan was considered at examination earlier this year. The council are now seeking views on these modifications which can be viewed at: or at Sefton Libraries.
All comments should be made in writing, no later than Wednesday 3rd August 2016. Please submit comments by email if possible to:
or by post to:
Planning Department, Magdalen House, 30 Trinity Road, Bootle, L20 3NJ.