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This year, National Neighbourhood Watch Week is being held during the week of 18th-26th June.

This year, National Neighbourhood Watch Week is being held during the week of 18th-26th June.

It is an annual awareness-raising campaign to promote Neighbourhood Watch and Home Watch to the general public alongside topical crime prevention information. The focus this year is on Bigger, Safer & Friendly communities.

Bigger: Co-op Insurance has chosen to help sponsor Neighbourhood Watch – the largest crime prevention community in the UK with the potential to really make a difference. Ask your Citizens in Policing Coordinators for new booklets and stickers. Their contact details can be found on the Merseyside Police Website.

Safer: Crime is changing and we’re looking at new ways we can help Neighbourhood Watch members protect themselves and their communities from these new challenges. We’re working to bring you the very latest advice on a range of crimes that are becoming more common.

Friendlier: Tell us what you’re up to! As in previous years we will be doing everything we can to promote the good work you do as widely as possible. Its only be spreading the word as widely as possible that we can help to defeat the criminals.

Please use this opportunity to look after your relatives, friends and others in your community.”

Merseyside Police have a long-standing partnership with local Neighbourhood Watch Schemes with almost 2000 schemes across the region. They recognise that these schemes play a vital role in detecting and preventing crime, increasing community safety and enhancing communication between the police and the communities of Merseyside.

Merseyside Police supports the Neighbourhood movement, actively engaging with scheme leaders and committees. Each scheme has a nominated police point of contact within their neighbourhood, who has responsibility for engaging with scheme leaders, sharing information and crime prevention advice.

They also support those wishing to set up new schemes, providing regular, structured help and guidance to help them become established and provide a specific corporate point of contact for advice and support.

Merseyside's Neighbourhood Watch has 4 main objectives:

  • Cut opportunities for crime and anti-social behaviour by improving security, increasing vigilance and increasing crime prevention awareness

  • To help detect crime by promoting prompt reporting of suspicious and criminal activity and encourage effective communication.

  • Provide reassurance to local residents and reduce the fear of crime by empowering and encouraging communities to take ownership of local issues

  • Encourage neighbourliness and closer communities by helping to establish Community Spirit and improve police/community liaison

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