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Petition for a Pegasus Crossing at Eight Acre Lane

Helen Humphries has started a petition to install a Pegasus Crossing at Eight Acre Lane in Formby for the safe crossing of the many horses and riders that risk their lives on a daily basis.

Helen said: "The Formby bypass is a very busy road. There are a number of livery yards either side of the bypass with a combined number of approximately 180 horses and riders".

"They regularly have to cross the bypass in order to reach different hacking routes. They currently do this via a roundabout, which is very busy, negotiated at speed by many drivers and due to very large shrubbery in the middle of it, visibility is extremely poor. Many of the riders are children".

Helen went on to say: "I have already asked the council to install a Pegasus Crossing at the end of Eight Acre Lane, which would take riders straight across and onto a bridleway. However, this request has been denied due to there being an absence of horse related accidents in the last 10 years. My argument is there needs to be such a crossing to PREVENT an accident. It would be well used, not only by horse riders but also by cyclists and walkers, thus providing a much safer route by which to negotiate such a busy road".

If you agree with Helen, she needs your support. Here is a link to her petition:

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