National Trust Formby Community Involvement Survey

At National Trust Formby we are exploring how we can best work with natural processes to achieve long-term, sustainable approaches to managing coastal change. Working with nature is really important to us. By understanding what is happening to the natural environment around our coast we can make well-informed choices about the future.
We need to carefully manage coastal change in the coming years and make informed decisions about how best we do this. We want to ensure that NT Formby’s special qualities are protected, enhanced, understood and enjoyed by present and future generations. We understand that to do this well we need to work beyond our ownership boundaries and in close partnership with others including our local community.
We are investigating new projects and ideas at the property and are interested in hearing about whether the local community would be interested in being involved?
Over the next 3 weeks finishing the 2nd May, we are inviting the local community to complete a short online survey at
You may see us out and about in the community and on site. Please feel free to pop over and say hi or to find out more.
We want to find out what people love most about NT Formby, whether they would like to have a voice in future developments and how this would work best for them.
Please support our work by taking 5 minutes to complete the survey by CLICKING HERE
If you would like to find out more please contact us at:
Find us on Twitter @NTFormby and