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Dramatic footage of the fire at Altcar Training Camp today

Controlled fire at Altcar Training Camp saw the hundred year old pavillion burnt to the ground.

Firefighters gathered around the pavillion today getting their equipment at the ready in case anything went wrong as men inside the pavillion were setting up the fires in each corner of the old wooden building.

The pavillion which has been used for troops for a century at Altcar

Firefighters preparing for the fire

The pavillion has stood on the Altcar Training Camp for over one hundred years but it's life was over today as a controlled fire was planned to burn it to the ground in order to make way for a brand new Troop Shelter and toilet block, which would be used for when the troops were training.

The 'Thistle Window' represented the Liverpool Scottish Regiment

Whilst they were preparing for the fire, men were still making sure everything of importance was taken out before the fuses were lit, including a window, which was only discovered when a piece of plywood was removed. The old window which shows a Scottish Thistle represented the Liverpool Scottish Regiment who fought in both world wars. The thistle window will now be built into the brand new building and given a prime location for people to enjoy.

The fires were lit and within two minutes black smoke enveloped the buiding.

Firefighters posing for a photo with the burning building behind them

Here is our video footage of the fire from start to finish....

The fire was used as a welcome training exercise for the firefighters and the flames and smoke bellowed out and could be seen for miles across the coast.

Within the hour, the wooden building was a crumbling cinder with only the brick chimney visible right in the centre.

Here are more photos of the day.

Inside the building

Firefighters getting prepared

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