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The household payment will increase by 7p per month but, still remains one of the cheapest in the co

Formby Parish Council will increase the household payment (The Precept) by just 7p per month (93p per year) keeping it under £7 per year.

Parish Council Press Release:

Formby Parish Council has voted to increase the annual payment from households (the precept) which is based on 'band D' council tax banding. The payment will increase by 93 pence a year or just over 7 pence per month. Although this equates to a 15% increase, it is 15% of £6.30 per household per year, the majority of the council felt that it was a very small increase in real terms.

The new Parish Council, elected last May, are keen to renew faith in what local councils can achieve. Formby Residents currently pay one of the smallest precepts in the country, compared to the other 9,000 or so councils and indeed charge less than Little Altcar whose precept is £9.57 per year.

Bob McCann who is the council current Chair said "I do not think that many residents appreciate that the Parish Council only receives less than £7 a year from each household, which is why we cannot provide any large projects."

He went on to say: "We all like the flowers in the village, but the Parish Council could do much more for the community. Residents need to know that the money given to the Parish Council is spent 100% locally in Formby. I would ask the residents of Formby to consider what they would like to see the PC do for them, and then how much they would be prepared to contribute a year to achieve it. We will canvass residents this year to get their opinions. I want to see the Parish Council grow in influence locally and become a real stalwart of the community.”

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