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Formby's past in pictures

Chapel Lane in the late 60s and a band from the 1900's

The old post office in Formby, photographed in 1969; Formby Civic Society

Formby Civic Society has given a stunning photograph of Formby village from 1969.

The picture shows Chapel Lane in the snow, and old post office and district bank in the background. The image is also available on the FCS's Flickr page.

A Formby band, possibly from the 1914 to 1918 period; pic courtesy of Mrs Blevin and FCS

And the second photograph is thought to date to the WWI period. The picture of a Formby band features in the latest FCS newsletter.

It reads; "How many members know something about the Bands that were well-known in the township prior to WWII? The photo above may well date from the time of WWI and was sent to the Formby Times by a Mrs. Blevin of Whitehouse Lane in the second half of the 20th century.

They would have been familiar sights on the streets of Formby at Christmas time in past times. They would help celebrate Christmas by walking through the streets and playing carols and seasonal tunes and receiving ‘drinks’ from some residents in some of the larger and wealthier homes. They would then return to their own favoured hostelry for a few pints together.

One year, the local euphonium player returned home from the Bay Horse about 4pm to clatter into the house bin. His wife found him loudly bemoaning possible damage to his instrument but showed no sympathy as she berated him for returninghome late and sozzled!

Thanks to FCS for both photographs and the above words. Formby Civic Society website can be viewed HERE

Photos and story source: Southport Visiter by Tom Duffy

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