Time running out to apply for primary school of your choice
Parents are being urged by Sefton Council to apply for a place at the primary school of their choice before time runs out.

If your child is starting school in September 2016, you need to apply online by 15 January. You are advised to list three different schools in order of preference to ensure you are satisfied with the school place that your child receives.
Sefton Council has created an online information page and booklet to help parents who are making this critical choice.
Cllr John Joseph Kelly, Cabinet Member for Children, Young People and Safeguarding, said: “There are few bigger decisions we make in the lives of our children than choosing their first school.
"We have a lot of high performing schools in Sefton, meaning that unfortunately there will be parents who find they are disappointed not to get their first choice of school, which is why it is so important that you list more than one. Time is running out, so if you have not applied, please do so by the deadline.”
Jane Clark, Education Support Service Manager at Sefton Council, added: "All the information for parents/carers relating to primary school admissions and completing your application is available on the Sefton website. Here they will be able to find all the information they require in order to make considered choices.
“If parents/carers have any further questions, our team is available to provide advice and support between now and the 15 January deadline."
For more information on primary school admissions and completing your application, visit www.sefton.gov.uk/primaryadmissions or email Sefton’s Admissions team admissions@sefton.gov.uk