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Formby residents come up with names for Wetherspoons' new pub

Formby Bubble readers come up with suggestions after Wetherspoons change their mind on name of new pub.

Formby residents have had their say on what they think Wetherspoons should call their new pub on Three Tuns Lane.

The pub chain was set on calling the The Crown Green, until Dominic Dickson wrote a letter of objection to Wetherspoon's chief executive J ohn Hutson. Wetherspoons then had second thoughts, and announced they were open to suggestions.

Residents have now begun to contact the Bubble with ideas. Reg and Barbara Yorke, who are Formby residents and members of Formby Civic Society, said: "Having read your piece about second thoughts on the name of the new Formby pub Barbara and I strongly support the idea of it being named 'The Lifeboat'.

"Nothing could have a stronger Formby connection and it would be a great way of remembering the gallant Formby men who risked (and sometimes lost) their lives helping save the lives of others at Formby Point from 1776 - 1918. There was indeed a former pub (in Birkey Lane) with that name and it is thought the penultimate Formby Lifeboat before the station takover by the RNLI in 1896 was taken there to end its days.

"Pubs these days like to show they are proud of their location with photographs of earlier days. That would be something we would be pleased to help with."

Barbara Smith contacted the Bubble: "Why can't it be called "The Lifeboat" as Formby had the first lifeboat in the country"

J. Formby said "The red squirrel"

John and Elaine Lea - "We think it should be called 'The Three Tuns'. A traditional Formby name. This name also relates to old brewery measurements".

Colin O'Loughlin suggested a few names:

The Lifeboat as Formby was the first to have one.

The Formby Point a local landmark.

The Sand Dunes a local landmark.

The Lighthouse a local landmark.

Ralph Prescott suggested: “The Old Con”- Very appropriate. (The old conservative club)

David Formby said: "It should be named the 'Sir Richard Formby' after the knight who died serving the King in battle.

Susan Harnden-Rogers made a few suggestions: 'The red squirrel', 'The Dunes' or 'The Squirrel'

Some people contacted the the Southport Visiter - Julia Daly told them: "Having been "born and bred" in Formby with my ancestors going back quite a few generations I have been pondering on old Formby names suitable for the new Wetherspoon pub, Not many reminders of old Formby these days but as the new pub is quite near to Sumners Lane which is the road leading from Three Tuns Lane into the car park and was so called in recognition of an old Formby Doctor. Or how about just calling it 'Sumners' Corner'.

Chris Maher, who is a Formby ex pat now based in Dubai, said: " Delighted that Wetherspoons have dropped the name "The Crown Green" for their new hostelry in Formby. As for a suitable name, what is wrong with "The Three Tuns"? The establishment is after all situated on Three Tuns Lane and the name Three Tuns is synonymous with the pub / brewing industry.

And P Gilbertson said: "The Three Tuns, because it is on Three Tuns Lane."

All the suggestions will have been forwarded to Wetherspoons for consideration.



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