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Sheltered apartments plan for former school in Formby

The Council's Planning Committee will tonight discuss submitted plans to build sheltered retirement apartments on a former Formby school site.

Churchill Retirement Living is planning to build 42 sheltered retirement apartments for the elderly on the site of the former Holy Trinity C Of E Primary School, Lonsdale Road, Formby

Sefton Council's Planning Committee will tonight discuss submitted plans to build sheltered retirement apartments on a former Formby school site.

Formby residents have submitted a petition - which is supported by Councillor Cuthbertson – against the plans.

The petition says it objects to the wasteland at the back of the site being opened up as a walkway “for fear it will increase problems such as teenagers congregating, anti-social behaviour, attempted burglaries and will devalue surrounding properties”.

Formby Parish Council have also raised concerns about the lack of parking spaces, saying there is an “inadequate number for the area” and there is poor access for emergency services vehicles.

The plan proposes constructing a two and three storey block with 42 sheltered retirement apartments on the Holy Trinity C of E Primary School site on Lonsdale Road.

Churchill Retirement Living is planning to build 42 sheltered retirement apartments for the elderly on the site of the former Holy Trinity C Of E Primary School, Lonsdale Road, Formby

The school building is currently boarded up and the site is disused.

The submitted proposal lists the main issues to consider as the scale, design and visual impact of the development, the effects it would have residential amenity, security and highway safety, ecological, contaminated land and drainage issues.

Affordable housing, and tree and green space policy considerations are also to be looked at.

Churchill Retirement Living has put in the application for the sheltered apartments which will also include communal living facilities, access, parking and landscaping.

Story and photo source: Southport Visiter

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