Give Blood in Formby

NHS Blood and Transplant has a donation session coming up in Formby on 16th May which have very low attendance at present and we are looking for more people give blood at the Formby session.
Watch this video to see how you can make a difference to peoples lives.
Recipient Grace Docherty says thank you to donors this Easter
This Easter we wanted to thank our amazing donors for giving up their time to save and improve lives. Grace Docherty has received blood throughout her life and went to our Leeds Donor Center to thank the people who helped to save her life.
Why give blood?
Donated blood is a lifeline for many people needing long-term treatments, not just in emergencies. Your blood's main components: red cells, plasma and platelets are vital for many different uses.
Red cells, plasma and platelets
Red cells are used predominantly in treatments for cancer and blood diseases, as well as for treating anaemia and in surgeries for transplants and burns. Plasma provides proteins, nutrients and a clotting agent that is vital to stop bleeding - it is the most versatile component of your blood. Platelets are tiny cells used to help patients at a high risk of bleeding. They also contribute to the repair of damaged body tissue.
Find out more about blood components
> Read about giving a component donation > Visit our Platelets website
Short shelf-life
Maintaining a regular supply of blood to all the people who need it is not easy. Blood components have a short shelf life and predicting demand can de difficult. By giving blood, every donor is contributing to a nation-wide challenge to provide life-saving products whenever and wherever they are needed.
Red cells - up to 35 days Plasma - up to one year Platelets - up to seven days
You can go online to find out more
You can give them a call on Tel : 0300 123 23 23