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Formby Letters

Whiston Hospital has set up an operating theatre in Southport Hospital
Dear Formby Bubble: I have been waiting ages for treatment to skin cancer at Whiston hospital. I got a call from Whiston to say they have...

Formby Bubble
Jan 291 min read

Duke Street Park was gifted to the people of Formby as a free place to enjoy in 1935 so how can Formby Festival charge such excessive prices?
Dear Formby Bubble, I am writing to express my deep concern and disappointment regarding the upcoming Formby Food and Drink Festival at...

Formby Bubble
Jun 21, 20242 min read

Warning to other dog owners about the banned zones at Duke Street Park
Dear Formby Bubble: I’ve been caught with my dog off the lead (unknowingly and fined) around the tennis courts at Duke Street Park before...

Formby Bubble
Jun 9, 20241 min read

It’s insulting to the man who died in 1407 to have his gravestone obscured by an old wooden bench
Dear Formby Bubble: As a long time resident of #Formby, I really enjoy seeing some of the historical items relevant to the history of...

Formby Bubble
Jan 31, 20241 min read

New owners of the Balti House in Formby share their plans with the community
Dear Formby Bubble, We are writing to introduce ourselves, Karl Diamond and Steven Wilson, as the new business partners of the Halal...

Formby Bubble
Nov 1, 20231 min read

Is Hightown Village Surgery at risk of closing yet again?
Dear Formby Bubble: Is Hightown Village Surgery at risk of closing yet again? Statement from Ellis Hall-Lyon, the owner of Hightown...

Formby Bubble
Oct 10, 20232 min read

Why are Formby motorists being threatened and bullied if they go down Langdale Avenue?
Dear Formby Bubble: Why are Formby motorists being threatened if they go down Langdale Avenue? We demand to know what right Sefton...

Formby Bubble
Oct 7, 20231 min read

I'm angry and disappointed that the rejection for Aldi proposal was a ‘Done Deal’ by councillors
Dear Formby Bubble: As it affects the entire area, including ourselves, we decided to attend the Sefton council planning meeting last...

Formby Bubble
Jul 27, 20232 min read

Does anyone know if there is going to be an enquiry into the criminal waste of money on the Bypass?
Dear Formby Bubble: Does anyone know if there is going to be an enquiry into the criminal waste of money on the Formby Bypass. A simple...

Formby Bubble
Jun 26, 20231 min read

Caravan travelling down Duke Street today MINUS the car!!
Dear Formby Bubble Bizarre sighting of the day... A caravan was witnessed today, Tuesday 13th June, at approximately 12.15 pm, travelling...
Formby Bubble
Jun 13, 20231 min read

Were you the strangers that helped when my dog Zola had a heart attack whilst on a walk in Formby
Dear Formby Bubble: This is a message of thanks to a couple of kind strangers. On Friday 12th May at about 5:30pm I was 5 minutes into a...
Formby Bubble
May 23, 20232 min read

I think most Formby residents would agree, the infrastructure just can’t cope anymore
Dear Formby Bubble: I think most formby residents would agree, the infrastructure just can’t cope anymore. Formby is a small village cut...
Formby Bubble
Nov 23, 20221 min read

Congratulations and Happy 65th Sapphire Wedding Anniversary to Betty and Mike Gilfoyle
Dear Formby Bubble: May I wish my fabulous Mum and Dad, Betty and Mike Gilfoyle, a very happy Sapphire Wedding Anniversary, 65 wonderful...
Formby Bubble
Oct 16, 20221 min read

Possible illegal use of emergency exit in Savon Hook by Wilson Homes and Barrett Homes
Dear Formby Bubble: Can I bring to your attention the possible Illegal usage of Emergency Vehicle entrance and exit in Savon Hook by...
Formby Bubble
Aug 25, 20221 min read

Thankyou to Steve and Louise who helped my daughter after she collapsed at Formby train station
Dear Formby Bubble: On Thursday 18th August at around 4.30pm, my daughter passed out and fell by Formby train station lift. A passer by...
Formby Bubble
Aug 22, 20221 min read

Dear Formby Bubble: Rubbish on Formby beach
Dear Formby Bubble: Hi, just seen this morning, left at the ‘quieter South end’ of the beach between Lifeboat Rd and Albert Road at the...
Formby Bubble
Jul 27, 20221 min read

My Nan who is in her 80’s has been scammed by a plumber off Trustpilot, please be careful
Dear Formby Bubble: Just a warning to people out there, please be careful. My Nan needed an emergency plumber today to stop a leak so she...
Formby Bubble
Jul 20, 20221 min read

A dog died today of severe heat stroke - If it was a child, the parents would go to prison
Dear Formby Bubble: Today a dog died of severe heat stroke – exercised at 9 o’clock in the morning. If it was a child, the parents would...
Formby Bubble
Jul 19, 20224 min read

4 cyclists on the Hightown roads didn’t have a brain cell between them, taking advantage of new laws
Dear Formby Bubble: On Saturday afternoon, i was traveling from Little Crosby to my home in Formby. I was a passenger in my son-in-laws...
Formby Bubble
May 23, 20222 min read

Over 1000 new homes in Formby but Council hasn’t sought any money towards education from developers
Dear Formby Bubble: Over 1000 new homes built in Formby but Sefton Council hasn’t sought any money towards education for the area from...
Formby Bubble
Apr 27, 20221 min read

Reaching out to the husky dog owner to be more responsible with your dog whilst walking in the woods
Dear Formby Bubble: Hello, I want to try and reach out to the owner of a husky who typically walks the woods at fresh field end. The dog...
Formby Bubble
Apr 17, 20221 min read

Is this the most dangerous traffic intersection on Merseyside?
Dear Formby Bubble: For Feck sake, is it beyond the initiative of anyone at Sefton Council's Localities Directorate to first get "Slow...
Formby Bubble
Mar 17, 20221 min read

Dear Formby Bubble: Much loved Formby lady Florence Higenbottam (Floss) has passed away
Dear Formby Bubble: It's with great sadness to say that Florence Higenbottam (Floss) passed away suddenly but peacefully at home on...
Formby Bubble
Feb 1, 20221 min read

Lost drone on Formby beach
Dear Formby Bubble: I lost my drone on 14th December at the beach, I know it's a long shot but if anyone finds it please send a message...
Formby Bubble
Dec 16, 20211 min read

Our wonderful dad Keith Davies passed away - His funeral is Tuesday 19th October
Dear Formby Bubble: Our wonderful Dad Keith Davies passed away on Thursday 7th October 2021. He has been a face in Formby since 1972! His...
Formby Bubble
Oct 14, 20211 min read

Someone has stole my sons bike that he saved hard for! Please look out for it
Dear Formby Bubble: Please keep an eye out for this distinctive Orange Mountain bike. My son saved all his money to buy it and had it...
Formby Bubble
Jul 13, 20211 min read

Deansgate Travellers situation so that we are all aware of the damage caused by recent encampment
Dear Formby Bubble: A local group planted over 700 trees on the park, help organise a wood carving sculpture nature trail, with...
Formby Bubble
Jul 11, 20212 min read

A big THANKYOU to the three ladies and a gentleman that helped me on Larkhill Field yesterday
Dear Formby Bubble: I’d like to say a big thank you to the three ladies and gentleman that helped me yesterday on Larkhill field. I had a...
Formby Bubble
Jul 10, 20211 min read

Inspiration addiction recovery story
Dear Formby Bubble: I want to share with you a positive and inspiring story to begin our week 💚 I almost died from addiction in late...
Formby Bubble
Jun 7, 20211 min read

Red purse found in Formby
Dear Formby Bubble: I found a red purse on Phillips lane this morning, belonging to a Mrs H. Maloney. Now at The Hollies Surgery
Formby Bubble
May 24, 20211 min read

Shame on you Arriva driver of No 47. Where is your compassion for a young girl with Cerebral Palsy??
If the man who got off the bus in #Formby and helped my daughter at 4.40 lives in Formby, I’d just like to thankyou as she said you made...
Formby Bubble
May 22, 20212 min read

A bottle of wine waiting for two young ladies who saved our puppy Douglas from harm. Who are you?
Dear Formby Bubble: We want to send a very big thank you to two young ladies who saved our wee puppy Dougal from harm! He escaped after...
Formby Bubble
May 10, 20211 min read

Trees in Formby woods are shaking hands - very interesting phenomena
Dear Formby Bubble: Trees shaking hands... Came across this strange, interesting phenomena in Formby woods .. wondered has anyone else...
Formby Bubble
May 7, 20211 min read

More mess left in the Pinewoods
Dear Formby Bubble: This mornings detritus in Formby pine woods. 😠 Take it home.
Formby Bubble
Apr 24, 20211 min read

A big thank you for helping my blind friend
Dear Formby Bubble: Can I just say I’d like to thank the lady at m/s petrol ⛽️ this morning who took care of my blind friend that lost...
Formby Bubble
Apr 22, 20211 min read

Presentation of Formby shop fronts
Dear Formby Bubble: As hopefully, new businesses will open in the empty units in our village, will there be some control over the...
Formby Bubble
Apr 19, 20211 min read

Act of kindness in our village
Dear Formby Bubble: Just wanted to say thank you to the young boy must of only been 14/15 outside the one stop shop bags of shopping...
Formby Bubble
Apr 16, 20211 min read

Warning to dog owners
Dear Formby Bubble: Possibly nothing but a car with 2 guys just swerved right across the road in the village to ask me about my dog, they...
Formby Bubble
Apr 14, 20211 min read

An insight into Altcar Training Camp in Hightown by Chief Executive, Colonel Mark Underhill
Dear Residents of Hightown & Formby, ALTCAR TRAINING CAMP - UPDATE What a year from March 2020 to the end of March 2021! The COVID...
Formby Bubble
Apr 6, 20218 min read

Does anyone recognise this beautiful black cat?
Dear Formby Bubble: We have had a very hungry black cat visiting our garden in the last few days (Holmwood Close /Gardens area) - does...
Formby Bubble
Apr 6, 20211 min read

Litter and mess left behind after yesterday's sunny day
Dear Formby Bubble: Good morning Bubble, I don’t mind that these youngsters gathered together with no social distancing, I don’t mind...
Formby Bubble
Mar 31, 20211 min read

Dog attack - did anyone see
Dear Formby Bubble: Yesterday evening about 7.45 I was walking on the beach and saw a brown fluffy dog with a man and another dog same...
Formby Bubble
Mar 31, 20211 min read

Footpath collapsed on Hoggs Hill Lane in Formby but who is responsible for the path?
Dear Formby Bubble: Could you please post asking if anyone knows who’s responsible for the footpath leading off Hoggs Hill Lane? Is it...
Formby Bubble
Mar 30, 20211 min read

Thank you for the rose handed to me today in Formby Village
Dear Formby Bubble, I just wanted to say a big thank you to the lovely young boy who gave me a rose this morning in Formby village. His...
Formby Bubble
Mar 29, 20211 min read

How beautiful could the bypass look if it looked like this
Dear Formby Bubble: Maybe sefton council should do this along formby bypass to save on costs and traffic jams
Formby Bubble
Mar 29, 20211 min read

Anyone recognise themselves from the Formby Dons?
Dear Formby Bubble: Thought this may make a few people smile . Formby Dons 1979
Formby Bubble
Mar 28, 20211 min read

I’ve posted these letters that I found, so don’t worry
Dear Formby Bubble: hi all whoever dropped a load of Easter Cards in the car park behind M&S Formby, I’ve picked them up and posted them...
Formby Bubble
Mar 28, 20211 min read

Thoughts on Formby
Dear Formby Bubble: To everyone on this group, Everytime an “incident” or “crime” is reported in Formby it doesn’t need people posting...
Formby Bubble
Mar 26, 20212 min read

Dog attack at Formby beach
Dear Formby Bubble: Long shot, but my little dog was attacked on Formby Beach by another dog (white, short haired). My daughter was with...
Formby Bubble
Mar 24, 20211 min read

Be more considerate when parking near mobility cars!
Dear Formby Bubble: Can people be a bit more considerate when parking near mobility cars please. I was unable to access the ramp to...
Formby Bubble
Mar 22, 20211 min read
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